Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The BIG News

After a two-week hiatus from blogging, I'm BACK! The past 2-weeks had been quite hectic because of the last minute things I had to do for work. Plus, it doesn't help that I've been having morning (well more of evening) sickness lately. Oh yes that's my BIG BIG News. I'm 2-months preggy!

It was quite a surprise actually. After a month of being delayed, I took a PT and tested negative. I thought that the delay was stress-induced because of the house transfer and work. When I started having a bad bout of diarrhea and stomach cramps when I was about 2-months delayed, I decided to see a gastroenterologist. When he started prescribing me medications, he asked if I was pregnant. The medicines are known to cause birth defects and he wants to make sure that I'm not. I told him that I have been two months delayed. He asked me to take another PT again before he put me on any medications. To make the long story short, I did the test the following morning and was surprised to see the PT like this:

(Photo credit: Wikimedia)

Truthfully, initially it wasn't a welcomed surprise for me. With me quitting work that will mean that we will be a one-income family. That setup works for us now for our small family of 3. I'm just afraid that with the new baby coming on the way, things will be quite tight. I will definitely have to get a maid in the later stages of my pregnancy and that will also mean additional expenses in the house. We will have to go through again with the expensive vaccines. And not to mention my daughter is starting with pre-school this year with an eye-popping tuition fee of Php 100k. 

Days after, I've come to terms with the reality and started happily looking forward to the new addition to our family. Thinking about it, cliche as it may sound, babies are blessings. Before having S, my husband was working as a consultant, a job that pays really well but can be terminated anytime when the company thinks that you are no longer needed. There was no job security. But months after I gave birth, he landed a permanent job with a bigger salary and bigger perks. A big blessing indeed. I'm also exploring at the idea of starting a home-business to cover whatever lost income from me quitting my job. I have some leads now and hopefully everything pushes through.


  1. congrats Als! and welcome back :) for sure, blessing yan! excited na kami!!! dami niyo :)

  2. @mi: thanks dear! seems like it's a baby-boom now. lol!

  3. Congrats ate als! wow dami niyo nga preggy...

  4. Oh, wow! Congratulations! That is a blessing indeed. Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy!

  5. Congratulations!!! Do you want a boy this time? :)

    Expensive vaccines? 100K for tuition? Ufff.. we have the same problem. Good thing my little one is already turning 2 this September, so no more pedia every month. In a year or two, she'll start preschool too and the tuition from the Turkish Int'l. school in Greenhills is also P100K above. It might even increase. Oh my.

  6. @hans: oo nga baby boom talaga. thanks!

    @ dea: thanks dear!

    @mrs. kolca: thanks! im ok whether it's a boy or a girl.

    if it's any consolation, we're only paying for her vaccines since she goes to her lola-pedia. at least we save money on the checkup fees.

    re tuition, oh expect it to increase. if she's going to school only in a year or 2, brace yourself for a 10-20% increase. so expensive to send your kid to school here that sometimes we're thinking of moving back to europe where schooling is free.



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