Monday, March 22, 2010

Earth Hour 2010

Earth Hour is a campaign started back 2007 in Sydney Australia to turn off their lights for an hour to take a stand against climate change and raise awareness on the plight of Mother Earth. A year after, this became a global event with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. March 2009 marked the biggest and largest global climate initiative wherein over 4000 cities across 88 countries joined.

For 2010, turn off your lights for an hour on March 27 starting at 830 pm. For more details on this, you can check out the official website.

But energy conservation shouldn't only be done on special days like this. Helping Mother Earth should be an everyday initiative. Here are some tips I got off from Good Housekeeping Maid Manual:

1) Switch off the lights when you leave a room.
2) Turn on only the lights that you'll need
3) Natural light is the better option
4) Buy energy saver bulbs.
5) Regularly dust your bulbs and lighting fixtures to prolong their lifespan and efficiency.
6) Use lamps versus general lighting fixtures to minimize costs.

Since my daughter cannot sleep without the lights on, we made a switch (no pun intended) from using the room light fixtures to a night lamp. By not using the higher wattage bulbs in our room for 8-10 hours a night lowered our monthly electricity bill.


  1. hi sis! thanks for following my blog.. i'm following you in return.. cheers! :D

  2. thanks for the add up Mrs. Kolca!



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